The realities of running a business, which are becoming more and more complex nowadays,
may pose serious concerns to organizations wishing to smoothly navigate themselves through the maze of rapidly changing and often complex laws.
The extensive knowledge and long experience of the lawyers hired by our firm enables us to offer professional legal advice and support to companies operating nationwide.
Our firm aims at meeting the needs and expectations of entrepreneurs. We believe that the professional quality of our legal service, enhanced by experience and effective organization, will contribute to the development and security of our clients.
The scope of activities of our firm includes:
- legal service to newly established companies, including legal assistance in the setting up and registration of businesses;
- legal service offered to existing businesses in the field of corporate law and other laws determining the rules of corporate operations, including services to company bodies, preparing the wording of resolutions, etc.;
- legal assistance in the field of civil law, particularly corporate contract law, including preparation of draft contracts and participation in negotiations;
- legal assistance in the field of aeronautic law; the experience in this field has been acquired in providing legal services in process of launching an airport for small airplanes.
- legal service in the field of acquisitions, mergers and split procedures;
- legal service in the field of building investments;
- legal services related to the real estate market, including investigation of legal status, implementation of necessary administrative and court procedures, formulation of contracts, participation in negotiations;
- legal services in the field of copyright law, trademark law, laws pertaining to the World Wide Web;
- legal service in the field of public procurement;
- legal service in the field of insurance and reassurance, including legal support to insurance companies;
- legal service in the field of employment law and social insurance law, including preparation of draft management contracts, employment contracts, termination of employment, preparation of draft work policies, compensation for no-competition agreements;
- legal service in the field of bankruptcy, composition, recovery and liquidation proceedings;
- representation in disputes preceding court or administrative proceedings, including negotiations, mediations, arrangements enabling positive resolution of a dispute without court or administrative lawsuits;
- legal representation before courts and administrative authorities;
- preparation of exhaustive legal opinions;
- obtaining permits, licenses and executing other administrative procedures related to business service for the clients
Our terms of service are well adapted to the needs and expectations of our clients. The range of our services may consist of general legal assistance in the course of corporate operations or focus on a specific issue. We also respond to the requirements of our clients in determining the method of payment for the work done by our firm – lump sum settlements or payment plans according to pre-established hourly rates are applied. Whatever the manner of settlement, the transparency and fairness of this process is both the standard and a top priority for our firm.